Visas To Australia Services

phoneicon Tel/Fax: +61-8-6150 9883

About us

There are people from all over the world who would like to settle in Australia as it is renowned for being a well-developed, safe and comfortable place to live. However, Australian migration legislation is rather complicated. It consists of more than 130 types of visa subclasses that can result in a lot of costs and inconvenience if you don’t receive the best advice on which category is best suited for your circumstances.

Our professional and constantly updated service can ensure that your application is accurately prepared and meets the criteria of the latest visa regulation.

Our company is located in Perth, Western Australia, rated one of the best cities in the world in terms of lifestyle and opportunity. Our business can answer important questions about visas, school placement and resettlement.

Meet Our team

Elaine Cheang

Migration and Education Consultant since 2002, certified by Deakin University Migration Law for Migration Agents, has more than 6 years professional experience as a regional manager, chief representative and business development manager with the education, telecommunication and information technology industries. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science (Computing) from Edith Cowan University and a Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE/English) from TAFE.

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Tiffany Simionato
Registered Migration Agent

Tiffany worked a Customs Officer for the Australian Customs Service for 5 years and as an Immigration Officer at Department of Immigration for 6 years before joining Visa Services to Australia. Tiffany holds a Double Degree - Bachelor of Commerce/Arts from Curtin University and gained her Migration Law qualification from Murdoch University.

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Developed by Alexander Htike