Visas To Australia Services

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Business Skill Visa

Business Skills Visa is now breaking into Business Innovation and Investment Category which enables entrepreneurs and investors to invest or engage in business activities in Australia for the benefit of the Australian economy.

The program comprises three subclasses (188 provisional, 132 and 888 permanent) and three main substreams within each subclass.

Business Innovation Stream

For people with a successful business career and a genuine and realistic commitment to be involved as an owner in a new, or existing business in Australia.

The Investor Stream

For people with a successful record of qualifying business or eligible investment activity who will make a designated investment in a State or Territory of Australia, and have a realistic commitment to continue to maintain business or investment activity in Australia after the designated investment has matured.

The Significant Investor stream

For people who are willing to invest at least AUD 5 million into complying investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured.

Subclass 188 entrants who come to Australia will be initially granted a four year provisional visa and after satisfactory evidence of a specified level of business activity for two years or investment for four years, may then apply for permanent residence, Subclass 888.

Only subclass 132 (Business Talent) of Business visa can come to Australia and be granted permanent residency status.

Each subclass has different requirement for age, English skills, business turnover and net assets and some of the visa subclass needs entrant to meet 65 points.

We are able to advise you on the most appropriate visa category according to your specific business and personal details.

If you engage us to prepare your Business Innovation and Investment Category Visa, we will:

  • Introduce you to the appropriate business brokers and other relevant agencies
  • Generate a Business Plan for the proposed business in Australia
  • Arrange an account audit
  • Prepare and obtain visas
  • Offer advice on settlement matters

And provide you with the necessary support over the 2 – 4 year period require to achieve permanent status for you, your family and your business.

Developed by Alexander Htike