Visas To Australia Services

phoneicon Tel/Fax: +61-8-6150 9883

Temporary Visa

Visitor Visas

Visitor (Tourist) Visas have 4 streams available and varying criteria based on your ‘Country of Passport’.

Working Holiday Visa

This visa category is available to applicants aged between 18 and 30, if their ‘County of Passport’ has a reciprocal working Holiday arrangement with Australia and allows them to live and work in Australia up to 12 months.

Investor Retirement Visas

This visa is for retirees more than 55 years of age who want to retire in Australia and also meet Investor Retirement criteria for the State in which they want to apply.

Medical Treatment Visas

This visa is available for people requiring medical treatment or consultations.

Please contact us for further detailed information regarding the above visa categories.

Developed by Alexander Htike